quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

' Isometric ' Exercise X ' Formula 1 Pilot.....

There is a kind of physical stress which is called isometric exercise. This is a situation in which the muscles contract vigorously without displacement of any body segment. This happens, for example, when we hold a heavy object over the legs without moving. It is the same physical effort.

The situation of Formula-1 in the "cockpit" of the car, it is typically the case. During the race, the pilot's body is subjected to numerous situations in which it becomes necessary to contract several muscle groups to maintain proper posture. The sudden accelerations and decelerations and violent, the enormous centrifugal force that tends to shift all your body, your internal organs and especially your head cause your body, your muscles are responsible for a great effort to keep the resulting positioning appropriate. That during the whole time about 2 hours continuously. There is strength to tolerate all this.

This type of physical exertion is very stressful because the muscles become intoxicated with the products of muscle contraction, mainly lactic acid, without an adequate blood flow to remove them, because remember they're standing. This is why many times we observed the driver exit the car completely "locked" after a race. Cramps are common.

 In addition to physical stress, there is a size "stress" situations as few are able to promote. This causes a huge adrenaline rush, and an accompanying large increase of heartbeat. As you know, the heartbeat of a formula one driver comes close to 180 per minute during a race. The increase in blood pressure can cause a stroke or a heart attack. Luckily we never had these "accidents" in the category, imagine if they occur at 200 km / h on a curve, certain death! 

For these reasons, the physical preparation of a Formula-1 pilot is so important. The indices of physical fitness of elite pilots, are now compatible with those of athletes with the highest degree of physical preparation.