sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2012

* Lucas di Grassi says the F-1 and its moment as a test pilot for Pirelli*

 In his second year as test driver in Formula 1 Pirelli, Lucas di Grassi (Pirelli / Schioppa / Eurobike / Locaweb / Kid Tire) has developed a remarkable work. The Brazilian, who competed in the World 2010 by Virgin (now Marussia), does not rule out his return to the slopes supporting a racing team and has said that the only drawback is the lack of sponsorship.
"I'm in the best position possible technique, will be the only pilot testing the F-1 and having knowledge of tires, almost choosing products for next season, this puts me in a very comfortable position. Of course I want to re-run a team, I'm working on it, the only drawback is the lack of sponsorship. Let's hope that Brazilian companies wish to invest in the competition, "said the Brazilian.Balanced with the championship after four races, Luke adds the fact that the improvements in tires, which adds more equality between the drivers, putting their strategies and their teams to the test."The league is very balanced, it is very good for both the teams and drivers, and to the public. In part, this balance is improved thanks to the tires that Pirelli is about 2011 and with more data from the slopes in order to make the right decisions. "Lucas explains that brings important achievements in the curriculum as the runner-Brazilian Formula Renault in 2002 and runner-up in Formula 3 South American and 2003.Using an R30 Lotus entres GP races in F-1 and the participating GPs need as Pirelli, the Sao Paulo 27 years analyzing all points to better evaluate the tires, and your opinion is extremely important for good results at the event."My opinion is of great help, they rely on my professionalism and analysis.However, working together with numerous sensors that determine the technical veracity of what I speak. I am satisfied with the result thus shows that in 2011 the work was well done and work that our strategy is working, "says the Brazilian, who now divides his time between Sao Paulo and Monaco.Despite the satisfactory results with the work at  Pirelli, since much of the balance of the season this year has been credited to wear the Italian brand of tires have presented during the exams. Both the seven-times champion Michael Schumacher adds the bad performance of your Mercedes-Benz to the fact of having to drive below the limit of the car to preserve the tires.

"In some ways he's right. I can not really go 100% all the time. The current tires are made in order to prioritize the strategy during races. Pilots have to think more now how and at what point the race will use better tires. It has more of a difference riding style to another. Who has the best strategy, has more advantages, "says Lucas.
By: Portal Podcultura