quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

* History of *Ironman...

The Ironman was born as a crazy gamble to know the limits of human endurance, until then the most acceptable of madness was the 42,195 meters of the legendary Greek Pheidippides marathon.
It all started around the mug full of beer at Brasserie Primo Brewery, Honolulu, Hawaii State Capital, located on the island of Oahu. It was a dozen sailors aged between 30 and 40 years, drowned in beer the bitterness of defeat in a relay race super fast, which they had been beaten by young mariners. Enraged by the defeat, they wondered how they could prove they were tougher and still capable of winning the most young people, which proves that Hawaiian was the greatest challenge? Were the 3,800 meters swimming the traditional Waikiki Rough Water Swim? Or 180 km cycling the famous Around the Island Bike Race? Or the endless marathon of 42.195 km of Honolulu? A sea captain, 42, John Collins, stood up and issued the challenge: The toughest competition would be one that encompasses the three most difficult tests of the island together on the same day. Everyone laughed, as he added: "I know 11 people who could go all the way." The idea made its way, and some months later that evening in October 1977, more precisely on February 18, 1978, 15 men, mostly runners or swimmers showed up for the start of the first Ironman history.
They could not imagine they were writing an important page, the first, indeed, the story of a new sport in a few years would spread throughout the world and win millions. A taxi driver in Honolulu, John Haller, was the first iron man to complete the race with a time of 11 hours 46 minutes and 58 seconds.
Of the 15 who started in Waikiki Beach, 12 completed it. Proof that no one believed it possible he had found his name and his first hero. In 1982 the fifth edition of the competition won a sponsor, Bud Light. She won dimensions and today only 1,500 athletes can participate as the only proof of the world to have a selective.
The Ironman is a critical and commercial success, the largest "Best-Seller" triathlon, the reference test as a model of organization, joy and distance. It was precisely because of the Ironman, and could not be otherwise, the rise of the triathletes Tupiniquins and after them the first evidence.
The triathlon in its initial release, ie, the Ironman has given rise to new forms and distance.
Specifically in the triathlon, in addition to the classic distance Ironman, Half Ironman currently have: (1,900 meter swim, 90 km cycling and 21 km running), the Olympic distance: (1,500 meter swim, 40 km cycling and 10 km running) and Shot-Triathlon: (750 meter swim, 20 km cycling and 5 km running) in addition to the modalities Aquathlon and Biathlon.

Many Formula 1 drivers like the marathons to improve your physical condition.
Example: The Brazilian driver  * Lucas     di      Grassi...